Contact support

Ads Data Hub Support Team offers the following services:

  • Account linking:

    • General questions about account linking
    • Troubleshooting issues or errors in the linking process
    • Linking accounts to Ads Data Hub where self-service linking is not available
  • Querying help:

    • Clarifying general schema questions
    • Troubleshooting query execution errors. To resolve common error messages, review the Errors troubleshooter.
    • Troubleshooting data discrepancy issues with 1st party reports
    • Troubleshooting unexpected query results

To resolve any of these issues, contact Ads Data Hub support. (You must be signed in to the account you use to access Ads Data Hub to view the contact form.)

Create a dataset for query troubleshooting

To enable Ads Data Hub support team to troubleshoot your query, you’ll need to write the output of your query to a new troubleshooting dataset and grant the support team BigQuery Data Viewer (roles/bigquery.dataViewer) access to the dataset. This allows the team to view output of your query, without granting access to any other data in your Google Cloud project. You can revoke access at any time.

  1. Create a dataset in your BigQuery project named adh_support. If you are planning to use VPC Service Controls your dataset must be within the service perimeter.
  2. Grant your service account BigQuery Data Editor (roles/bigquery.dataEditor) access to adh_support.
  3. Grant BigQuery Data Viewer (roles/bigquery.dataViewer) access to adh_support. Optionally, give the dataset a default expiration time, so that results are automatically deleted.

Unsupported areas

The Ads Data Hub Support Team doesn’t support questions about:

  • Using the Ads Data Hub API. Create issues on Ads Data Hub's Google IssueTracker component. Issues with query results can still be sent to the Ads Data Hub Support Team, whether the query was executed via the UI or the API.
  • Writing queries from scratch
  • Query optimization: fine-tuning queries to generate a specific dataset or for marginal performance improvements
  • Discrepancy between in-product and Ads Data Hub measurement vendor reports
    • Reach out to your Ads Data Hub measurement vendor directly to troubleshoot such discrepancies.
  • Trouble accessing the Ads Data Hub UI.
    • Ensure that you have been added as a user to an Ads Data Hub account.
    • Try using a supported browser. Currently, only Chrome is officially supported.
  • Feature requests
  • Non-troubleshooting issues related to product changes
    • Work with your Google Account Manager to understand how product changes impact your use case.