Usage limits and quotas

Limits and quotas protect the Google infrastructure from an automated process that uses the Reseller API in an inappropriate way. Excessive requests from an API might result from a harmless typo, or might result from an inefficiently designed system that makes needless API calls. Regardless of the cause, blocking traffic from a specific source when it reaches a certain level is necessary for the overall health of the Google Workspace system. It ensures that one developer's actions can not negatively impact the larger community.

API request failures

In the unlikely event that your API request fails, your application receives an HTTP status code response. A status code of 403 has error information about incorrect input and an HTTP status code of 503 has error information indicating which API quotas have been exceeded. These responses let your custom application detect these errors and take appropriate action.

Time-based errors

For all errors that are time based (maximum of N things for N seconds per thread), especially the 503 status code errors, we recommend that your code catch the exception and by using an exponential backoff algorithm, wait for a small delay before retrying the failed call. A Reseller API example for one thread is to wait 5 seconds and retry the failed call. If the request is successful, repeat this pattern for the other threads. If the second request isn't successful, your application should scale back on the frequency of the request until a call is successful. For example, increase the initial 5 second delay to 10 seconds and retry your failed call again. Also, decide on a retry limit. For example retry a request 5 to 7 times with different delay times before your application returns an error to the user.


API limit categories Limits
Subscription purchaseOrderId This property accepts up to 80 plain text characters.
Subscription maxResults The maxResults query string can be 1 - 100 results. The default is 20 results.
Transfer Token (customerAuthToken) A customer's transfer token is valid for 30 days after it's generated.
Maximum number of users for a customer Depending on your contract, the maximum number of users can either be 50,000 or the maximum defined in your reseller contract.
Unauthorized requests Google doesn't allow unauthorized requests to the Reseller API. A request is considered unauthorized if no authorization token is provided. For more information, see Learn about authentication & authorization.

Other types of limits

Other types of limits Limitations and guidelines
Data format The data format is in the JavaScript Object Notation JSON.

JSON is a common internet format that provides a method of representing arbitrary data structures. JSON is a text format that is completely language-independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of the C-family of languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, and Python.
Time format All date times are in the Epoch converter in milliseconds. This format applies to the values for the subscription creation time, a plan's commitment start and end times, and a 30 day free trial's end time.