
Händler können Links zu Fundraising-Kampagnen in ihren Eintrag bei Google aufnehmen. Der Kampagnenfeed wird vom Anbieter der Kampagne verwendet, um Messwerte zu den Ergebnissen der vorherigen Tage für alle Kampagnen zu senden. Für den Kampagnenfeed wird die allgemeine Dropbox verwendet. Dabei muss der Wert "name" in der Deskriptordatei auf "fundraising.campaign" gesetzt sein. Eine Anleitung zur Verwendung der allgemeinen Dropbox findest du in dieser Anleitung. Die .proto-Spezifikation sowie ein JSON-Beispielfeed finden Sie unten.


Die folgende Spezifikation ist im .proto-Format verfügbar. Damit werden alle Felder im Feed definiert. Beim Hochladen in die allgemeine Dropbox kannst du auch die JSON-Formatierung verwenden, wie im JSON-Beispiel gezeigt.

Campaign Feed – Definition

message CampaignFeed {
  repeated Campaign data = 1;

Campaign – Definition

message Campaign {
  // Unique identifier for the campaign. (required)
  // (Note: could be the same as the campaign url if that's the only unique
  // identifier the partner uses. This will mainly be used for identification
  // when Google and partners communicate issues for a particular campaign
  // entry.)
  string campaign_id = 1;

  // Whether this campaign entry is active (i.e. able to accept donation) or
  // inactive. (required)
  CampaignStatus campaign_status = 2;

  // The campaign url that merchants might upload to Google if they have a
  // campaign set up with the partner. (required)
  string campaign_url = 3;

  // Name/title of the campaign. (optional)
  string campaign_title = 4;

  // More detailed description of the campaign. (optional)
  string campaign_description = 5;

  // The start/publish timestamp for the campaign. Format: Seconds of UTC time
  // since the Unix epoch. (optional)
  int64 campaign_start_sec = 6;

  // The end timestamp for the campaign. Format: Seconds of UTC time since the
  // Unix epoch. (optional)
  int64 campaign_end_sec = 7;

  // The monetary amount for the campaign goal. (optional)
  MonetaryAmount campaign_goal = 8;

  // The date in YYYY-MM-DD format indicating when the
  // amount_contributed_previous_day and num_of_transactions_previous_day data
  // below are retrieved. Should always be one day after the date which the
  // stats in xxx_previous_day corresponds to. UTC timezone should be used to
  // delineate which transactions fall on which dates.
  // E.g. if the amount_contributed_previous_day corresponds to the amount
  // contributed yesterday, then the data_retrieval_date here should be set as
  // today's date. The feed must include all campaign entries for the given date
  // (no partial uploads). (required)
  string data_retrieval_date = 9;

  // Previous day's monetary amount contributed through the Enhanced User
  // Referral Feature(s) to this campaign. (required)
  MonetaryAmount amount_contributed_previous_day = 10;

  // Previous day's number of transactions through the Enhanced User Referral
  // Feature(s) for this campaign. (required)
  int32 num_transactions_previous_day = 11;

  // Information about the merchant that initiated the campaign. (required)
  MerchantInfo merchant_info = 12;

Campaign Status – Definition

message CampaignStatus {
  enum Status {
    // Unused.

    // Able to accept donation.
    ACTIVE = 1;

    // Unable to accept donation.
    INACTIVE = 2;
  Status status = 1;

Merchant – Definition

message MerchantInfo {
  // Unique identifier for the merchant.
  // (recommended for Campaign feed, required for others)
  string merchant_id = 1;

  // Name of the merchant that initiated the campaign.
  // (recommended for Campaign feed, required for others)
  string merchant_name = 2;

  // Unstructured address of the merchant that initiated the gift card.
  // (optional)
  // E.g. "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA, USA, 94043"
  string merchant_address_unstructured = 3;

  // Structured address of the merchant that initiated the gift card. (required)
  PostalAddress merchant_postal_address = 4;

  // Business category of the merchant, e.g. restaurant. (optional)
  // See https://developers.google.com/places/supported_types for possible
  // categories.
  string merchant_category = 5;

Monetary Amount – Definition

message MonetaryAmount {
  // The monetary amount in centi-units of the currency.
  // For example: 1.95 USD is 195 in centi-units.
  // If your amount contains fractions of the smallest currency unit, then it
  // will be rounded using nearest even rounding (e.g. 2.5 cents rounded
  // to 2 cents, 3.5 cents rounded to 4 cents, 0.5 cents rounded to 0 cents,
  // 2.51 cents rounded to 3 cents). (required)
  int64 monetary_amount_centi = 1;

  // The currency of the price that is defined in ISO 4217. (required)
  string currency_code = 2;

Postal Address – Definition

// The postal address for a merchant.
message PostalAddress {
  // The country, e.g. "US". (required)
  string country = 1;

  // The locality/city, e.g. "Mountain View". (required)
  string locality = 2;

  // The region/state/province, e.g. "CA". This field is only required in
  // countries where region is commonly a part of the address. (optional)
  string region = 3;

  // The postal code, e.g. "94043". (required)
  string postal_code = 4;

  // The street address, e.g. "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy". (optional)
  string street_address = 5;

Beispielkampagne (im JSON-Format)

Im folgenden JSON-Beispiel siehst du eine aktive Kampagne für Jetters Pizza mit zwei Transaktionen am Vortag. Der Wert dieser Transaktionen von Google-Nutzern betrug 50,00 $ und die Kampagne hat ein Gesamtziel von 20.000,00 $. Zusätzlich zu dieser Datei muss auch eine Deskriptordatei in die allgemeine Dropbox hochgeladen werden. Dabei muss der Wert "name" in der Deskriptordatei auf "fundraising.campaign" gesetzt sein. Weitere Informationen zur Verwendung der allgemeinen Dropbox findest du in dieser Anleitung.

  "data": [
      "campaign_id": "1",
      "campaign_status": {
        "status": "ACTIVE"
      "campaign_url": "www.example.com/jetterspizza",
      "campaign_title": "Fundraiser for Jetters Pizza",
      "campaign_start_sec": 1546300800,
      "campaign_goal": {
        "monetary_amount_centi": 2000000,
        "currency_code": "USD"
      "data_retrieval_date": "2020-04-24",
      "amount_contributed_previous_day": {
        "monetary_amount_centi": 5000,
        "currency_code": "USD"
      "num_transactions_previous_day": 2,
      "merchant_info": {
        "merchant_id": "A",
        "merchant_name": "Jetters Pizza",
        "merchant_address_unstructured": "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA, USA, 94043",
        "merchant_postal_address": {
          "country": "United States",
          "region": "CA",
          "postal_code": "94043",
          "street_address": "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy",
          "locality": "Mountain View"
        "merchant_category": "restaurant"