Phone Analytics with gtag.js

If you use the Google tag as your tag, you can implement Phone Analytics to measure how users interact with phone numbers on your website.

Once implemented, the code generates one of a range of Google numbers that forward calls to your business.

You can implement Phone Analytics and Ads call conversion tracking on the same page.

Implement call tracking for Analytics

Add the following snippet to your existing gtag.js code on each page your phone number appears on.

gtag('set', {
  'phone_conversion_number': 'NUMBER_TO_REPLACE',
  'phone_conversion_country_code': 'COUNTRY_CODE_TO_REPLACE',
  'phone_conversion_ids': ['GA_TRACKING_ID']

For example:

gtag('set', {
  'phone_conversion_number': '1234567890',
  'phone_conversion_country_code': 'US',
  'phone_conversion_ids': ['AW-999999999/abc123', 'UA-12345-6']

Implement call tracking for Analytics and Ads

Add the following snippet to your existing gtag.js code on each page your phone number appears on.

gtag('set', {
  'phone_conversion_number': 'NUMBER_TO_REPLACE',
  'phone_conversion_country_code': 'COUNTRY_CODE_TO_REPLACE',

For example:

gtag('set', {
  'phone_conversion_number': '1-800-123-4567',
  'phone_conversion_country_code': 'US',
  'phone_conversion_ids': ['AW-123456789/aBcDeFgHiJkL', 'UA-012345678-1']


The following phone parameters are supported in the set command:

Name Required Description
phone_conversion_number Yes The phone number to replace. This number should match the number configured in your Analytics or Ads UI.
phone_conversion_country_code Yes The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the phone number to replace.
phone_conversion_ids Yes A list of Analytics tracking IDs and Ads conversion IDs or conversion labels to measure.
phone_conversion_class No The DOM ID or CSS class of an element. The provided element's text will overwrite the replacement number.
phone_conversion_callback No A function to handle inserting the replacement number into the page.
phone_conversion_options No A map of additional advanced options for phone conversions.

Script loading

gtag.js defines a default script path to load the phone conversion script from. You can use a variable to override this path for beta rollouts of new versions of the script.

Initially, gtag.js loads the script from:

Use the var_phone_conversion_impl runtime flag to override the script version number to use new (beta) versions of the implementation script, without waiting for runtime releases.

For example:

          key = 'var_phone_conversion_beta_version'
          value = {
            enabled = true
            // Impl script version to override (path is not configurable)
            value = '2'

This configuration replaces the hardcoded default script path with:


Support for existing implementations

To support beta Phone Analytics implementations and existing Ads call conversion tracking implementations, if an Analytics (GA_TRACKING_ID) or Ads (AW-CONVERSION_ID/CONVERSION_LABEL) config command is processed and the key phone_conversion_number is set in the model, but the phone_conversion_ids are not set, gtag.js will configure phone conversions for the IDs associated with the command.


To implement phone analytics you need to:

  • Use a US phone number.
  • Link your Analytics and Ads accounts.